Title: 14 Min. Lampiao
Veröffentlicht am 22.04.2012

Este vídeo é uma gravação feita por Benjamin Abrahão com o Lampião em carne e osso. Vídeo histórico (sem áudio) com 4 minutos de cenas inéditas desse que, sem dúvidas, foi um dos mais polêmicos personagens que o Brasil já teve. Este vídeo faz parte da obra "Iconografia do Cangaço", da editora Terceiro Nome, com organização do Ricardo Albuquerque.


Title: Bio Plas / 2008 - Arizona, Usa - Collaboration work by
Eliane Paulino -
Christina Scheer -

Microsoft Word Document 25.0 KB

Faceless Populace

Short Video: Faceless - London /  2003

Duration:03:30 min.


Populace faceless - Performance -London, UK, Year of 2002, short video - Duration: 3:30 minute -This video was inspired by the countless people who walk, travel every day in the great metropolis. Even though these people carry a name, a nationality and also a culture of their origin, still unnoticed. Perhaps is not important anymore!!! The people crossing, passing and talking in large numbers may not be recognized and has become anonymous by the large amount of population that resides or crosses todos os dias ours globalized metropolis. Is this a global engineering experiment? A lot of people like swarm, herd, crowd without identity, or should emerge an specific culture, of it. The migration of people has been increasing for a few decades, as a result of wars, environmental problems, climates changes, poverty, social and political problems, making people of different origins migrate to Europe. These people are surrounded by surveillance cameras from all directions, taking images of their faces, taking impressions of their movements, actions and voices. Surreal, isn't!


Short video perfomance about the aspect to observe your surroundings,  using the ocular capacity of the eyes to see it. The borderline short movie show the perceptive of two eyes of two individuals that try face to face share the same view of the environment that they are in.


Short Video: keepwalking - Los angeles  /  2001 Duration: 04:30 min.


This minimalistic video shows the simple sense and practice of a walk or a run. There might not be a goal or destination, perhaps no reason for the walk, but you walk, every minute and everyday, every year until you die. You experience great or sad things everytime you walk . The beautiful aspect of this video includes the environment, the sounds of the insects in the darkness, the steps of my feet on the earth, and the leaves and wind above the ground. The simple movement of the legs and feet, and the reflection by the directed flash light to the legs, frame the subject, in this case the legs. Sometimes we, humans, do not realize that the possibility to walk is a great tool to arrive or to leave when it is necessary. Through the action of walking, we can achive many tasks, work, travel, experiences, get healthy, and have the Freedom to maintain life in movement.


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